Using the means of contemptorary circus and live music, DEBRIS tells a story of what has been lost and forgotten. Inspired by the otherness of circuses found throughout history, this evening looks into the shadows cast by the great lights of the past, and embarks on a lyrical search for the forgotten, lost and the invisible.
PERFORMANCE Ruth Biller & Philipp Schörghuber DIRECTED BY Victoria Halper & Kai Krösche STAGE & MASKEN Matthias Krische LIVE MUSIC Philipp Schörghuber SOUND DESIGN Kai Krösche COSTUMES Alma Kugic PRODUCTION Armin Kirchner & Victoria Halper TECHNICIAN Markus Liszt TECHNICAL ADVISOR Martin Kerschbaum
Sat. Nov. 9th (Premiere)
Sun. Nov. 10th
Wed. Nov. 13th
Fri. Nov. 15th
Sun. Nov. 17th
Starting time is 8pm.
20 € / 14 € (concessions)
Performance take place at the FABRIK SEESTADT which is located right by the U2 Station "Seestadt" (northern exit "Baulogistikzentrum").
Warm clothing is recommended.
Funded by: BKA Sektion II/7 and the 22nd district of Vienna.
In cooperation with: aspern Die Seestadt Wiens.
A Momomento production.